Annual Rug Sale at Hold It Contemporary Home. Save up to 60%
Linie Fade rug

Annual Rug Sale

Out with the old, in with the new! The Hold It Home Annual Rug Sale starts January 27th!

Our buyers are returning from Las Vegas Market and will be bringing with them exciting new inventory to our rug collection. To make room for these new pieces, we must clear out last year’s styles to make room for the new.

For a limited time, enjoy up to 60% off our in-stock rugs and up to 20% off special orders. With the assistance of our Design Consultants, find the perfect piece to complement your home or office.

The sale will run until February 5th. Carpets are a popular choice for many households and help to keep your home inviting and cosy all year round. But over time they can start to look dull and lose their brightness. Household organic waste such as skin cells and pet fur will inevitably build up in your carpets. This is a natural process but the accumulation of built up bacteria and dirt can leave your home looking and feeling less than desirable. Not only can is make your carpets look mucky and stained, it can also trap nasty odours.

Getting your carpets cleaned by a professional not only helps to keep your home looking better, it actually has added health benefits. Many of the dust and dirt particles that build up in carpets can be irritants which can lead to allergies. According to carpet cleaning daytona beach, common allergies associated with dust are skin issues such as eczema. A build up of dust and dirt in the home can also exacerbate breathing conditions, such as asthma. Only deep cleaning can remove irritants sufficiently.

To read up on recent trends in flooring, check out our post from last month.