See The Light - Hold It Home

See The Light

The Uma Sound Lantern is a new introduction from Pablo Designs that we are so enthused about here at Hold It Home. The lantern combines an intuitive interface, LED illumination and high-end audio into a singular elemental form. With summer just beginning, its ideal for enjoying light and music at social gatherings and outdoor adventures.

Pablo Designs had their strongest showing ever at ICFF in New York this past May. They introduced six new products, and in true Pablo form, their creativity and ingenuity has not left us disappointed. With new designs in floor lamps, table lamps, wall mounted and pendant fixtures, we get to see a little bit of everything. Watch out for these new pieces arriving at Hold It Contemporary Home this Summer and Fall. Circa XL, Contour, Lana, Swell brass, Uma Sound Lantern, Vella.


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