Oakley Tables from Mobital - Available at Hold It Contemporary Home
Oakley Table at Vegas Market

Oakley Tables from Mobital

Last month we visited Last Vegas Market to scout new brands, trends and choice items to bring to our showroom this year. One item that struck us as intriguing at first glance, and then stunning once we learned its story, was the Oakley occasional table series from Mobital.

Oakley Table at Vegas Market

While the brand (based in Montreal, Canada) is not new to us, this table was. We were lucky enough to chat with the brand’s marketing director to learn more about these special, truly unique and one-of-a-kind table sets.

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Oakley Table

The Oakley occasional series is inspired by, and directly handcrafted from nature. Thin, cross-cut slices of European white oak are skillfully laminated onto steel plates. The steel plates are ground down to fit the exact shape of each individual tree slice to ensure a perfect fit. Then, a clear coat lacquer is applied to the oak’s surface for endurance, while allowing the qualities of the natural oak veneers to shine through. The wind check found in the center of each table is filled with a black silicone.

Oakley Table
The legs of the tables are hand forged and painted black. Each table in the set has different height legs, which allows for nesting and overlapping to arrange the tables as a grouping for greater impact. Each table comes standard with rubber foot caps to protect flooring if required. When looking for durable floor that will not get easily scratched or cracked, see here this epoxy garage flooring catalog.

Oakley Table

Curious how old the tree is that made your tables? Simply count the rings on each table to see its age. The different kinds of rings tell a story too – when conditions encourage growth, a tree adds extra tissue and produces a thick ring. A year with poor conditions results in slowed growth and the tree produces a thin ring. The larger the ring will tell you what years had the greatest amount of growth.

Mobital Oakley Tables

We currently have the Oakley tables on display at our store, stop by to see these incredible conversation-starters in person!

You can also learn more about Mobital here.

Mobital Oakley Tables