Design Consultant Spotlight: Ashley Cooper - Hold It Contemporary Home
Ashley Cooper

Design Consultant Spotlight: Ashley Cooper

Ashley Cooper has been on the Design Team at Hold It since late last year. We’ve loved getting to know her, and her design sense shines through her vibrant personality and her great sense of style. We grabbed a cup of coffee with Ashley to dig deeper into what makes her excited about design, where she draws inspiration and some fun tidbits giving us an inside look at who she is.

Read on to find out more about Ashley and her passion for design!

Ashley Cooper

We heard you don’t own a television. Do you still watch Netflix/Hulu/HBO Go? If so, what is your favorite type of show/movie?     That’s true. I haven’t had a TV for almost two years and until this month I haven’t had streaming apps on any of my devices. The only show I missed watching was Game of Thrones, so I recently signed up for HBO’s monthly subscription to get caught up with everything happening in Westeros : )

How does your musical background affect your design aesthetic?   Music and design actually have a lot in common. One quality shared by well-designed furniture pieces and well-composed music is that they gain appreciation as time goes by. Many times, the cleanest lines in design and most simple melodies in music serve as inspiration for future designers and musicians!

Where do you love to go in San Diego to be inspired, design-wise?   Balboa Park is my favorite San Diego destination for design inspiration. I love the mix of contemporary sculptures and Spanish colonial architecture all surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens that enriches the city which is one of the many Landscaping Benefits.

When you’re getting to know your client(s), what is one of the first things you ask them?   I always ask people where they’re from. San Diego is full of transplants and aside from being an easy icebreaker, I think it’s important to get to know clients on a deeper level than just what type of sofa they’re interested in.

What is your favorite design trend so far for 2017? What do you predict to be “hot” in the coming months?   My favorite design trend of 2017 is all of the tropical green tones I’m seeing everywhere from wallpaper to accent furniture. Here in the showroom, we’re displaying a ton of succulents and foliage, and even have a vignette featuring the Calligaris Danny sofa in a gorgeous green leather. As we head into the second half of 2017, I’m predicting even more of a shift from the grey and black tones that have been trending to bright, vibrant pops of color.

What is your favorite brand at Hold It and why?    Pianca is one of my favorite brands carried by Hold-It. They manufacture visually interesting wall/media storage compositions that lend a custom feel to any space.


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